Workshop on career development

30th and 31st January, 2023
University of León, Spain



Organized by

As part of the RE-EURECA-PRO, the Workshop on Career Development is open to any researcher of the EURECA-PRO consortium. The Workshop is structured as an open conversation and debate regarding the topics below in career development.

Workshop’s goal is to set a framework to allow future synergies and push the career development of the researchers independently of the country in which they are. Thus, it will help to standardize the research career in order to guide future programs. The diverse and rich approach of the workshop will allow us to detect good practices in research careers, transversal skills with new and current researchers, and fostering international networking.

We expect to identify common approaches, barriers, and best practices in the research career development.
  • Assessment of merits
  • Research career development
  • Gender equity & life-work balance
  • International mobilities
  • Transversal skills
  • Examples of best practices and proposals
Workshop application deadline: 15th of January 2023


Gaining a broad vision and learning from cross-national opinions on research careers in the consortium. It could be beneficial for researchers not only to gain an approach from the consortium institutions but to get closer towards a European research career unification. It could also be appealing that guest researchers implement this knowledge into their PhD students: good practices and limitations in the research career, international mobilities and transversal skills, so that they prepare them better for their research career.

Value for the participants

Giving access to guest researchers to potential networks. The organizers will try to support the interaction with ULE researchers to exchange views, teach or be trained in case they want to prolong their stay. For this, guest researchers could request for an extension of their stay till 3rd February, 2023 (or even more days if it is agreed) to meet ULE researchers in their field.
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