Workshop on Brain Drain

10th and 11st May 2023
University of Petroșani | România

As part of the RE-EURECA-PRO WP5 by ULE, the Workshop on Brain Drain is planned to be held at the University of Petroșani, open to any researcher of the consortium.

The workshop is composed of a series of presentations and activities related to brain circulation, which includes brain drain and brain gain. We expect to identify common approaches, barriers, and best practices in brain circulation.

The workshop starts on 10th May at 13:30 with an introduction of the issue of brain drain with the method of the 3 Ws (What? Where? Why?) to explain the concept and its context in the current society. The presentation is followed by an interactive activity to engage participants by diagnosing the positive and negative aspects of brain circulation. It is expected to end at 15:30.

The second part of the workshop will be held on 11th May, at 9:00 with an activity to explore brain circulation in the countries of EURECA-PRO, followed by the proposition and discussions on potential strategies of healthy brain circulation for the Alliance. Finally, a wrap up about the measures and best practises that we find more applicable in EURECA-PRO will be presented. It is expected to end at 12:00.


  • Explore and analyse the perceptions of EURECA-PRO community members regarding brain circulation and brain drain in countries with different realities concerning brain drain and brain gain issues.
  • Identify and share good practices in brain circulation from the experiences of higher education institutions.
  • Collect several proposals in order to define a strategy to enhance healthy brain circulation to be implemented at microscale in the consortium.

All researchers from the institutions of the consortium are invited!
The participants attending on the complete event will receive a certification of attendance.

María Fernández Raga, Oliver Torres Reynoso | Universidad de León


13:30 - 14:30
Introduction: the 3 Ws of Brain Drain? (What? Where? Why?)
14:30 – 15:30
What is the current situation on Brain Circulation?
Activity to diagnose the positive and negative aspects for the countries

Day 1 | Wednesday

10th May 2023

9:00 - 10:00
Exploring the Brain Circulation in the countries of the consortium
10:00 - 11:30
Potential strategies of healthy brain circulation for EURECA-PRO
11:30 - 12:00
Wrapping up

Day 2 | Thursday

11th May 2023

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