"CV writing in English"

27th of March, 2023 | 13:00-14:30

Applications in English are often different from the applications that are common in Austria. Small details will make a difference and will give you a head start on other applicants. The workshop will give you tips and examples for a correct structure and useful formulations. In addition, it will train you language competence in writing and speaking in the context of the job application process.

Lecturer: Michelle K. Gilluly-Beham, Owner & Founder, Target Language Communication


  • Workshop focused on building confidence in writing, speaking, and communicating in English;
  • Focus on hands-on learning, student learning outcomes, interactive communication strategies;
  • Development of special vocabulary/topics and key grammar points;
  • Relevant handouts (on-site).

The workshop is embedded in the EURECA-PRO International Week

WHEN: 27th of March, 2023 | 13:00-14:30
WHERE: Hörsaal E
TARGET GROUP: Students and staff from EURECA-PRO partner universities
We are sorry, the Deadline for Registration has expired in: 24.03.2023

All on-site participants have the opportunity to win a professional application photoshooting!

The workshop will be divided into a theoretical part and a hands-on part.

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