SMI Online Forum

Environmental Social Governance (ESG) ...
Distraction or Revolution?

5th November 2024 | Online


The “SMI Online Forum on Nov 5th 2024” is an international online event planned for the first time by the Chair of Economics and Business Management (WBW) in cooperation with EURECA-PRO, in which current topics on the “Green Transformation” of European industrial companies are discussed. In line with the SMI discussion platform, topics from international speakers from science and industry will be presented and discussed with participants in this new online format.

This online forum aims at various stakeholder groups such as leading researchers, managers, employees, experts and PhD students from the fields of corporate energy and sustainability management, sustainable finance and all sectors involved in the “Sustainable Transformation” of industrial companies.

Key Topics:

  • ESG ecosystem: concepts, assessment metrics, portfolio optimisation, trigger points;
  • Strategic development strategies: UN sustainable development goals (SDG), Paris objectives, climate neutrality, “net zero”;
  • “Green materials” and raw materials management: critical raw materials, conflict minerals, circular economy;
  • EU regulatory focus: EU taxonomy, CSRD, CSDDD, SFDR;
  • Financial valuation metrics in sustainability reporting (double materiality);
  • Approaches and models of operational value creation;
  • Capital markets, credit markets and venture capital markets as drivers of the operational energy transition.

You will receive the link for your online-participation before the event.

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