RE-EURECA-PRO exhibition - Transversal Responses Filling the Gaps- gallery 02

Transversal Responses:
Filling the Gaps

RE-EURECA-PRO exhibition
SDG12 Higher Education Research & Innovation Awareness Exhibition

The immersive art/science exhibition Transversal Responses: Filling the Gaps concludes RE-EURECA-PRO, a EURECA-PRO project on sustainability led by the Montanuniversität Leoben (Austria). The European University EURECA-PRO pursues an ambitious vision for the future: the sustainable use of natural resources and responsible consumption (Sustainable Development Goal 12), climate protection, gender equality, borderless European higher education, opportunities for lifelong learning, knowledge transfer, social commitment and unrestricted mobility. The university alliance strongly supports transversal skills to put holistic goals into action. The exhibition picks up on this methodology and invites visitors to explore the RE-EURECA-PRO project interactively.

The exhibition enables visitors to take part in debates that stimulate emotions and reflection on the topic of sustainability. Through innovative elements such as an acoustic container, a debate tent, and a processual performance of the syllable RE/, the exhibition opens a dialogue with the RE-EURECA-PRO team’s voices, thoughts, and perspectives. Textile sculptures, sound and an argumentation game invite critical thinking on the complexity and interdependencies of the topic through haptic, immaterial, and intangible experiences.

Exhibition concept and design: Dominika Glogowski – Director of artEC/Oindustry, an interdisciplinary think tank that tackles the arts as an interactive platform for an empathetic transformation and design policy in the mining sector.

  • Idea and Design: Dominika Glogowski (artEC/Oindustry) –
  • Graphic design: Jörg Schorn
  • Transversal Responses: Dominika Glogowski and Pit Frantzen
  • Transversal Sound-ness: Dominika Glogowski and Isabella Forciniti
  • Textile art: Francesca
  • Organisation: Karoline Gritzner and Aga Kosciuszko
  • Live-Performance (23 and 24 of May): Sara
We invite you to listen to the sound piece "Transversal Sound-ness" | created by Dominika Glogowski and Isabella Forciniti
Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria | 24 May - 05 July, 2024

Exhibition @ Montanuniversität Leoben:
Transversal Responses: Filling the Gaps

RE-EURECA-PRO commissioned the artist and researcher Dominika Glogowski (founder of artEC/Oindustry) to design and curate an SDG12 awareness exhibition which was based around the outcomes of the project. Francesca Aldegani (textile sculptures), Pit Frantzen (sound), Sara Lanner (performance), and Jörg Schorn (graphic design) were participating artists.

The exhibition was publicly displayed at the Study Centre of Montanuniversität Leoben from 24 May to 5 July 2024. There was a private opening celebration on 23 May and the public opening on 24 May coincided with the Long Night of Research in Austria. Additionally, Dominika Glogowski and the sound artist Isabella Forciniti offered a workshop for the RE-EURECA-PRO team on 25 May 2024. In the workshop, Glogowski employed elements of her art/sci practice (Deep Speech Listening) and invited participants to playfully explore the psycho-social dialectics of listening and speech.

The outcome of this workshop was a co-created transversal audio piece entitled: Transversal Sound-ness.

Universidad de León, Spain

Exhibition @ Universidad de León:
RE-EURECA-PRO: Exhibition about the Research and Innovation Dimensions of EURECA-PRO

The title of the exhibition at ULE was “RE-EURECA-PRO: Exhibition about the Research and Innovation Dimensions of EURECA-PRO” (“RE-EURECA-PRO: EXPOSICIÓN SOBRE LA DIMENSIÓN DE LA INVESTIGACIÓN E INNOVACIÓN DE EURECA-PRO”) and it was on public display from 4-12 July, 2024 on campus. This timeframe was chosen because it was when the students of the Faculty of Education presented their Bachelor theses. In this way, since the exhibition was staged in the hall of the Faculty of Education, students had the chance to see it.

The exhibition contained posters with the results of the project translated into Spanish and a link to the sound artwork (audio piece) “Transversal Responses” by Dominika Glogowski and Pit Frantzen.


The opening celebration of the exhibition was held on 4 July 2024. All members of the university community were invited. At the opening, Roberto Baelo (the Rector’s Delegate for the Alliance of European Universities EURECA-PRO and RE-EURECA-PRO Principal Investigator), Oliver Torres (RE-EURECA-PRO Project Manager), José Alberto Benítez (Vice-Rector for Internationalization and Global Commitment) and Lourdes Gutiérrez (Dean of the Faculties of Education) gave speeches. Other deans who attended were María Teresa Carbajo (Veterinary Medicine), Javier Rodríguez (Philosophy and Letters), and Salvador Tarodo (Law).
Mittweida University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Exhibition @ Hochschule Mittweida:
Posterausstellung RE-EURECA-PRO

The exhibition at Hochschule Mittweida was called „Posterausstellung RE-EURECA-PRO“ and consisted of 16 posters which were displayed during a conference for young researchers on HSMW campus on 13 and 14 June 2024. The posters were exhibited in the cafeteria area, which meant that all participants of the research event were able to see it. Consequently, the exhibition was an effective conversation starter around discussions of sustainability and the role of higher education in the green transition. 

The exhibition was accompanied by a lecture on the topic of “International cooperations and doctoral studies in the context of EURECA-PRO” given by Dr. Cornelius Hagenmeier. The exhibition also gave an insight into the main exhibition at Leoben and featured the audio piece “Transversal Responses”.

TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Saxony, Germany

Exhibition @ TU Bergakademie Freiberg:
Transversal Responses

From 3-7 June 2024, EURECA-PRO organised the 18th Freiberg Colloquium of Young Researchers at TUBAF in Freiberg. The conference centred on “Responsible Consumption and Production in the Use of the Earth’s Resources” and aimed to foster discourse on social, environmental, economic, and engineering sciences related to resource management, with a particular emphasis on Sustainable Development Goal 12.

The colloquium featured twelve PhD students from various partner universities who spent a week at TUBAF. They visited Siltronic AG, one of the world’s leading producers of hyperpure silicon wafers, and participated in a laboratory tour. The tour included visits to the Centre for Efficient High-Temperature Material Conversion, the Metal-Free Cleanroom Laboratory at the Institute of Mineralogy, and the Mining Simulators & Digital Mine Lab. In addition to the technical visits, students enhanced their intercultural communication skills in academia through a training session led by Kristin Ziegner-Llewellin from Hochschule Mittweida. The first two days of the colloquium were held in the Krüger Haus, a beautiful historical building. This venue served as an excellent platform for the final exhibition of RE-EURECA-PRO, which lasted for two days.

All posters were exhibited, and a link to the audio piece “Transversal Responses” was provided for the visitors. The audio piece became a highlight for the young researchers, with many sharing positive impressions in private conversations.

More details can be found on the website of the colloquium, including information about the exhibition:

UP logo
Universitatea din Petroșani, România

Exhibition @ Universitatea din Petroșani:
Transversal Responses

The exhibition at the University of Petrosani was staged on 11 July 2024 in the library on the main campus. It included the posters from the individual work packages, the audio piece (“Transversal Responses”), and a presentation on RE-EURECA-PRO by Prof. Sabin Irimie. 

The exhibition was visited by UP staff and students as well as a group of international guests.

Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece

Exhibition @ Technical University of Crete:
Transversal Responses

Technical University of Crete integrated the exhibition’s main message and audio piece in the workshops of the School of Architecture, which took place at TUC’s campus and were focused on utilising sustainable materials for small scale experimental constructions. 

The audio piece was promoted via a mobile phone and small sound devices. The workshops took place throughout June 2024 and contributed to the familiarisation of students to the use of sustainable materials.

  • Idea and Design: Dominika Glogowski (artEC/Oindustry) –
  • Graphic design: Jörg Schorn
  • Transversal Responses: Dominika Glogowski and Pit Frantzen
  • Transversal Sound-ness: Dominika Glogowski and Isabella Forciniti
  • Textile art: Francesca
  • Organisation: Karoline Gritzner and Aga Kosciuszko
  • Live-Performance (23 and 24 of May): Sara

The RE-EURECA-PRO exhibition, “Transversal Responses: Filling the Gaps” was opened on the 23rd of May with a captivating live performance by performative artist Sara Lanner.

This interactive artistic-scientific exhibition, conceptualized and designed by Dominika Glogowski, marks the culmination of RE-EURECA-PRO, a sub-project of the European University on Responsible Consumption and Production (EURECA-PRO), led by Montanuniversität Leoben. Alongside the exhibition, a discussion was held on the 24th of May with members from our international partner universities to present and discuss the outcomes and achievements of RE-EURECA-PRO.

The exhibition enables visitors to take part in debates that stimulate emotions and reflection on the topic of sustainability. Through innovative elements such as an acoustic container, a debate tent, and a processual performance of the syllable RE/, the exhibition opens a dialogue with the RE-EURECA-PRO team’s voices, thoughts, and perspectives. Textile sculptures, sound and an argumentation game invite critical thinking on the complexity and interdependencies of the topic through haptic, immaterial, and intangible experiences.

The exhibition will be open to visitors until July 5th, 2024, at the Studienzentrum Montanuniversität Leoben.

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