Explore publications about EURECA-PRO
Breaking barriers in STEAM education: Analyzing competence acquisition through project-based learning in a European context.
Paula García-Llamas, Angela Taboada, Patricia Sanz-Chumillas, Luísa Lopes Pereira, Roberto Baelo
This paper explores the impact of Project-Based Learning (PBL) in fostering key competencies among higher education students and academics within a European university alliance. The study evaluates the acquisition of personal, professional, academic, and social competencies alongside participants’ perceptions and motivations. It highlights PBL’s role in developing critical skills, promoting teamwork, and advancing interdisciplinary collaboration, emphasising inclusivity and adaptability across diverse learning contexts. Furthermore, the research underscores PBL’s contribution to sustainable skills development and lifelong learning, equipping students to face evolving societal and environmental challenges.
Relation to EURECA-PRO: The publication is directly linked to WP4 – Learning and Teaching, reinforcing EURECA-PRO’s commitment to promoting innovative teaching methodologies in higher education through Project-Based Learning (PBL). Specifically, it supports Task 4.2 – Development of Innovative Learning and Teaching Methods, offering empirical evidence on the effectiveness of PBL as an instructional strategy within EURECA-PRO institutions. Furthermore, the study aligns with Task 4.3 – Development of Digital Education and Green Skills, illustrating how PBL can enhance sustainable and digital competencies, which are essential for transforming higher education in accordance with EURECA-PRO’s strategic objectives.
Lighthouse: LH6: The publication aligns with LH6: Health and Circular Economy, which emphasises education as a key driver for sustainability and societal transformation. By developing innovative, interdisciplinary education approaches, the study enhances STEAM competencies to prepare students for socioeconomic and environmental challenges. The research promotes collaborative learning environments that foster a responsible, interdisciplinary mindset, which is essential for addressing global issues such as sustainability, resource efficiency, and digital transformation in education.
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García-Llamas, P., Taboada, A., Sanz-Chumillas, P., Lopes Pereira, L., & Baelo, R. (2025). Breaking barriers in STEAM education: Analyzing competence acquisition through project-based learning in a European context. International Journal of Educational Research Open, 8, 100449.
How to Evaluate the STEM Curriculum in Spain?
There is a wide demand for professionals in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields; nevertheless, the number of students is decreasing every day, and the presence of women is also scarce. Within the Spanish context, different programs promote measures for STEM skills’ development; however, they are neither collected nor evaluated under a common umbrella. For that reason, it seems appropriate to investigate the possibilities of carrying out a STEM certification involving the management and teaching practice of secondary and high school education centres. The present work has developed an evaluation instrument based on the work by The Friday Institute for Educational Innovation from the North Carolina State University (USA). The model proposed looking at obtaining a high-quality STEM Center certification in the Spanish context, seeking to guarantee that the efforts made are systematically collected and evaluated in a common framework. This model includes an evaluation rubric with 5 dimensions and a series of indicators, classifying the centres into 4 levels of development. The aim is to provide a framework to establish, monitor and guide their STEM culture development with a global perspective, counting with the entire educational community, working on STEM skills in a transversal manner.
Relation to EURECA-PRO: The publication is linked to Task 5.3 Digital and STEM Skills, under WP5 of EURECA-PRO, which promotes the design and development of interdisciplinary and applied STEM curricula in educational institutions.
Lighthouse: LH6: Health and Circular Economy, by emphasizing equity, inclusion, and sustainability in STEM programs, aligning with the principles of responsible education and the circular economy.
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Estévez-Mauriz, L., & Baelo, R. (2021). How to Evaluate the STEM Curriculum in Spain? Mathematics, 9(3), 236.
Resilient Strategies for Internet-Based Education: Investigating Engineering Students in the Canary Islands in the Aftermath of COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about notable changes in the education sector, specifically the shift towards online learning. This study examined the experiences of 124 engineering students in the Canary Islands, an EU ultra-peripheral region, as they adapted to online education during the pandemic. A comprehensive survey assessed students’ experiences in five key dimensions, including satisfaction with traditional face-to-face learning, perceptions of the engineering department’s transition to online learning, module-specific adaptations, personal adaptation strategies, and the adaptation of teaching staff. The study’s methodology involved statistical analyses using Microsoft Excel v16.0 and SPSS 27 tools to identify patterns and draw conclusions. The findings indicate a nuanced landscape. Students demonstrated strong technological literacy and readiness for online learning. However, they expressed concerns about educators’ digital proficiency and perceived a decline in educational quality. These results emphasize the critical need for sustainable, adaptable, and inclusive educational strategies, particularly in regions like the Canary Islands that face unique challenges. The implications of the study have broader relevance to digital education. It is essential to note the need for educators to receive comprehensive training in digital tools and methodologies to improve the quality of online learning.
Relation to EURECA-PRO: The publication is linked to Task 5.4 Employability Skills and Task 5.5 Teaching Methodologies, under WP5 of EURECA-PRO, which focus on developing digital and socio-emotional competencies and designing innovative teaching methodologies for virtual and hybrid learning environments.
Lighthouse: LH6: Health and Circular Economy, by promoting resilience and sustainable education practices that prepare students for future challenges while supporting well-being and equity in education.
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Exploring the Academic Paths and Professional Aspirations of GenZ STEM Students in the Canary Islands
This study examines the academic trajectories and professional aspirations of Generation Z STEM students in the Canary Islands. Through surveys, it analyzes vocational guidance, perceptions of job opportunities, gender influence, and key socio-emotional skills. The findings indicate that gender barriers persist, there is a perceived disconnect between education and employment, and a need to strengthen transversal skills. The study concludes that it is essential to implement inclusive educational strategies, reinforce transversal skills development, and foster stronger connections with labor market demands.
Relation to RE-EURECA-PRO: The publication is linked to Task D5.4: Skills Development for Research Excellence and Task D6.1: Diagnostic Analysis on Inclusiveness, under WP5 Life-Long Career and Human Resource Development and WP6 Inclusiveness of Scientific Communities. Its contribution lies in identifying barriers and opportunities in STEM, aligning with the project’s objectives on equity, sustainability, and academic excellence.
Lighthouse: LH6: Health and Circular Economy, by addressing sustainable education, social inclusion, and the development of a workforce prepared to tackle global challenges.
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Teaching and Research in the Digital World
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Hasselt University’s Roadmap to a European University
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Development of a Joint Third Mission Strategy – Challenges and Approaches
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The Humboldtian Model of Higher Education and its Significance for the European University on Responsible Consumption and Production
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Soft Skills and STEM Education: Vision of the European University EURECA-PRO
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Education and Study Concepts at the European University Alliance EURECA-PRO
Carsten Drebenstedt, Julia Sishchuk*, Luke Palmer, Jan Bongaerts & Kirstin Kleeberg
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The (R)Evolution of European Education Policy: European Higher Education Alliances
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Eight Become One: the EURECA-PRO University Network
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 12 is the foundation of the European University on Responsible Consumption and Production consortium (EURECA-PRO). This article introduces the eight EURECA-PRO partner universities: Montanuniversität Leoben (Austria), Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany), Technical University of Crete (Greece), University of León (Spain), Silesian University of Technology (Poland), Mittweida University of Applied Sciences (Germany), University of Petroşani (Romania), and Hasselt University (Belgium). In addition, each university’s role within the alliance and unique research and study programmes are outlined. The synergy created by EURECA-PRO enables the pursuit of an ambitious research agenda with five research “Lighthouse Missions” as well as the implementation of joint study programmes.
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Research Dimension of the European University on Responsible Consumption and Production—EURECA-PRO
Global environmental changes due to technological progress, the growing population, and the demand for more and more resources are affecting the natural regulatory circuits that control the Earth’s ecosystem. Preventing excessive environmental stress is one of the greatest challenges facing humanity. The signing of the Paris Climate Targets as well as the Sustainable Development Goals set the course for a departure from the current economic and production system. As a contribution to these challenges, the European University on REsponsible Consumption And PROduction (EURECA-PRO) was founded under the umbrella of the European Commission and the Erasmus program. Apart from a strategic education agenda, EURECA-PRO also defined an ambitious research agenda with currently five lighthouse topics which aim at the development of solutions to fight negative global environmental changes. EURECA-PRO uses synergies of a network of seven universities and a series of associated partners from different stakeholder groups.
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EURECA-PRO: The European University on Responsible Consumption and Production
The European Commission (EC) called for proposals to form European University Alliances (EUA) in 2019 and 2020 to promote Europe’s universities competitiveness in the world and strengthen the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and European Research Area (ERA). With the objective to create a global educational core hub on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12 “responsible consumption and production”, a consortium of seven universities, led by Montanuniversität Leoben, received a three-year funding in 2020 for the development of a European University on REsponsible Consumption And PROduction (EURECA-PRO).
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EURECA-PRO, The European University on Responsible Consumption and Production: An Alliance for Sustainability
In recent years, the implementation of sustainability has gained importance in all areas of global societal development as science has proven that climate change is a human induced and inevitable future circumstance if nothing is done to avert it. With strategies and frameworks such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the EU Green Deal, it has become clear which direction research and education will take in the future, towards an interdisciplinary and excellence-based approach to systemically solve today’s societal challenges for a better ecological and social future. Innovation, education, research and societal cooperation, known as the knowledge square, are key factors in reaching these goals. The framework of the European Universities offers an opportunity that can integrate all these factors, in promoting cooperation across borders, languages, and disciplines thereby being an ideal vehicle to address societal challenges of our time and related skills and knowledge shortages faced in Europe. Within the ERASMUS+ and H2020 Framework Programmed seven higher education institutions located in six different EU member states, namely Montanuniversität Leoben (Austria), Technische Universitaet Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany), University of Petrosani (Romania), University of León (Spain), Technical University of Crete (Greece), Silesian University of Technology (Poland) and Mittweida University of Applied Sciences (Germany) joined forces and created a strong and unique European University in the field of Responsible Consumption and Production as defined in Sustainable Development Goal 12 of the United Nations: EURECA-PRO – The European University on REsponsible Consumption And PROduction. Its mission is a two-fold one: on the one hand, it aims at contributing creatively to the European Higher Education Transformation Agenda to stimulate seamless education and cooperation within Europe. On the other hand, it aims at becoming the European core excellence hub for responsible consumption and production converging all European and global activities, be it scientific, industrial or social, as well as all stakeholders in this field. Since Fall 2020 the consortium works on its goal to ultimately create a research and education agenda that systemically integrates all necessary interdisciplinary knowledge (technological, ecological, policy, economic, societal aspects etc.) to solve today’s pressing questions regarding consumption and production patterns and the transfer of solutions into society and industry. This is done by taking into consideration new technologies and processes that integrate material and resource flows towards responsible impact flows as well as complimentarily focusing on consumption behaviors and the factor human being in relation to these flows, thus putting the manifold influence factors in harmony to each other and the surrounding environment.
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EURECA-PRO, The European University Alliance on Responsible Consumption and Production
In the frame of the ERASMUS+ Framework Programme seven higher education institutions located in six different European Union (EU) member states, namely the University of Leoben (Austria), the Technical University Freiberg (Germany), the University of Petrosani (Romania), the University of León (Spain), the Technical University of Crete (Greece), the Silesian University of Technology (Poland) and the Mittweida University of Applied Sciences (Germany) joined forces and aim to create a strong and unique European University in the field of Responsible Consumption and Production (RCP): EURECA-PRO, This university has a two-fold societal and planetary mission. On the one hand, it will holistically contribute to the very important issue of RCP under Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12, and on the other hand, it will effectively contribute to the transformation of the European Higher Education Area complimentarily to SDG 4. EURECA-PRO started on November 1, 2020 and by 2025 aims to be well-known throughout Europe for its competence as an educational core hub and as interdisciplinary research and innovation leader in qualitative environmental and social framework development for sustainable consumption and production of goods as well as for responsible systems design. By 2040 EURECA-PRO aims to be the global educational core hub and interdisciplinary research and innovation leader in qualitative environmental and social framework development for RCP of resources and goods. This will comprise technological, ecological, policy, economic and societal aspects and their transfer into the society and industry. Staff and future graduates will acquire sustainable, interdisciplinary, intercultural and systemic thinking engrained in their natural way of operation, fostering a prosperous societal development and a healthy economy, while at the same time relieving environmental pressures.