Press release
EURECA-PRO International Week 2023

@ Montanuniversität Leoben | 27th to the 30th of March, 2023

The EURECA-PRO International Week took place from 27. to 30. March at Montanuniversität Leoben and was focused on the topic of sustainability.

The aim of the event was to create awareness for the European University on Responsible Consumption and Production among students, staff and the public.


Day I
Monday, 27th of March, 2023

In the workshop “CV Writing in English” students from Montanuniversität and other EURECA-PRO partner universities had the opportunity to work on their CVs and cover letters in order to be prepared for future job applications. At the end of the workshop, all on-site participants had the opportunity to win a professional application photo shooting.

Day II
Tuesday, 28th of March, 2023

On day two, the lecture „How to consume more sustainably” offered insight into the topic of responsible consumption and cultural differences with regard to consumption behaviours. Afterwards, the EURECA-PRO team organised a meet and greet event in the Akademie building with free coffee and snacks.

Wednesday, 29th of March, 2023

The EURECA-PRO Science Slam on day three was clearly the highlight of the week. The evening was hosted by Antenne Steiermark presenter Thomas Axmann. Five researchers from Montanuniversität presented their topics to the audience in a relaxed and participative atmosphere. Dipl.-Ing. Mehran Abdi won the Science Slam with his presentation „Origin of interfacial instability in aluminum reduction cells“.

Day IV
Thursday, 30th of March, 2023

Day four started with another meet and greet event in cooperation with ÖH Leoben, where students could get information on EURECA-PRO study programmes and were offered free coffee, snacks and sustainable goodies. The last event of the international week was the EURECA-PRO Pub Quiz. The participating teams had to solve questions concerning partner universities and sustainability. The best three teams won gift baskets and a collection of sweets from the EURECAPRO partner countries.
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