EURECA-PRO Doctoral School

Is your PhD research linked to climate change, sustainability, circularity, or responsible consumption and production?
Benefit from the EURECA-PRO Alliance and join our Doctoral School!

Deepen your scientific education

Why should you consider Responsible Consumption and Production in your research topic?

Responsible Consumption and Production (RCP) stands as one of the most critical themes for both our planet and humanity, both now and in the future. Your time spent during doctoral research and studies offers a unique opportunity with enduring benefits for your career. This global importance is underscored by RCP being identified as the 12th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) by the United Nations’ Global Goals in 2015. 

Delving into a specific issue or topic within this theme allows you to become an expert in a field with significant global impact.

Benefits of joining the EURECA-PRO Doctoral School

  1. Participation in our PhD Journey international mobility programme provides training in both general and subject-related research skills, Responsible Consumption and Production (RCP), European cultural studies, and networking opportunities.
  2. Expand your research potential by accessing facilities such as research institutes, laboratories, equipment, databases, software, and library collections at partner universities within EURECA-PRO.
  3. Develop your scientific network by engaging in international EURECA-PRO conferences, lecture series, summer schools, language courses, and various other events.
  4. Upon completion of your studies, receive a certificate from the EURECA-PRO Doctoral School, reflecting your participation in EURECA-PRO training courses and events.
  5. Get priority access to EURECA-PRO events.
  6. Explore the possibility of obtaining a joint, double or multiple doctoral degree.

Activities organized by EURECA-PRO:

  • Annual EURECA-PRO PhD Journey
    An international mobility programme organised by the EURECA-PRO Doctoral School and designed for PhD students to network, access research facilities, and develop research skills. Each Journey focuses on different research themes and takes place at different partner universities.
  • Annual Young Researchers Colloquium
    An event for scientific presenting, networking and research skills development among young researchers organised by the EURECA-PRO Doctoral School.
  • Regular PhD Seminars
    PhD students from the EURECA-PRO Doctoral School present their research to researchers and fellow PhD students from across EURECA-PRO, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange.
  • Online Lecture Series on RCP
    A series of free online lectures delivered by leading professors and researchers from EURECA-PRO partner universities, offering an introduction to the Sustainable Development Goals with a focus on Responsible Consumption and Production.
  • Biennial International Conference on RCP
    An international conference held every two years by a EURECA-PRO partner university, bringing together researchers to share their experiences, scientific findings, and the latest advances in the field of responsible consumption and production.
  • Summer Schools on RCP
    Intensive programs designed to educate participants on sustainable practices in consumption and production, promoting environmental and social responsibility. They typically involve workshops, lectures, and projects led by experts to explore solutions for reducing waste, conserving resources, and fostering a circular economy.

Requirements for joining the EURECA-PRO Doctoral School

You can apply to join the ‘EURECA-PRO Doctoral School’ upon meeting the following requirements:

  • You are enrolled as a doctoral student at one of the partner institutions of EURECA-PRO.
  • Your doctoral research has a link with climate change, sustainability, circularity, or responsible consumption and production.
  • You can confidently present your research in English and interact proficiently in English with other researchers.
  • You have the approval of your supervisor(s) to join the EURECA-PRO Doctoral School.

How to apply for the
EURECA-PRO Doctoral School?

Step 1 – Reach out to your supervisor(s) to discuss your interest in joining the EURECA-PRO Doctoral School.

Step 2 – Contact your local EURECA-PRO doctoral coordinator to express your interest in joining the EURECA-PRO Doctoral School.

Step 3 – Complete the EURECA-PRO Doctoral School application form.

Step 4 – Email the completed EURECA-PRO Doctoral School application form, along with your CV and a motivation letter, to your local EURECA-PRO doctoral coordinator.

Doctoral School requirements

This document provides an overview of the requirements for completing the EURECA-PRO doctoral training programme. In addition, it provides a non-exhaustive list of activities (per cluster) that can be undertaken in order to fulfill the EURECA-PRO Doctoral School requirements. 

For each activity, an indication of the number of credits is provided.

For more information on the requirements, please contact your local EURECA-PRO Doctoral coordinator.

EURECA-PRO Doctoral School - FAQ

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A brief presentation of your PhD research during an online PhD seminar is the only mandatory requirement. Apart from this, there are no compulsory activities or courses. You are expected to participate in activities totalling at least 15 credits, but you have the freedom to choose which activities you undertake to achieve these credits.

For a complete overview of the requirements, please refer to the section titled “Requirements for Completing the EURECA-PRO Doctoral Training Programme.

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Yes, you can join the EURECA-PRO Doctoral School right from the beginning of your doctoral studies. Please make sure to review the general conditions outlined earlier on this webpage, as they provide important information regarding eligibility and participation requirements.

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No, there is no minimum requirement for courses, hours, or ECTS credits that must be completed before applying to the EURECA-PRO Doctoral School. Please make sure to review the general conditions outlined earlier on this webpage, as they provide important information regarding eligibility and participation requirements

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Yes, but the conditions listed under ‘Requirements for Completing the EURECA-PRO Doctoral Training Programme’ also apply to you. Note that previously completed activities during your doctoral studies, but before joining the EURECA-PRO Doctoral School, can also be taken into account for the requirements of the EURECA-PRO Doctoral School.

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This is possible, but it depends on the type of activity. The activity must fit within one of the seven clusters (‘competence areas’) of the European Competence Framework. In addition, you will need to provide proof of your participation in these activities, just as you would for all other activities (e.g., through a certificate of attendance)

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No, as a member of the EURECA-PRO Doctoral School, you are not entitled to additional funding. However, participation in most events is free for PhD students from one of the EURECA-PRO partner universities. For any reimbursement of travel and accommodation costs related to these EURECA-PRO events, it is best to contact your supervisor and/or local doctoral school coordinator.

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No, completing the EURECA-PRO Doctoral Training (and receiving the certificate) does not count as a joint or double PhD degree. For more information about a joint or double PhD within the framework of EURECA-PRO, click here.

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Yes, your PhD topic can still align with Responsible Consumption and Production (RCP), even if it doesn’t directly focus on these areas. The EURECA-PRO Doctoral School values interdisciplinary perspectives that contribute to RCP from different angles. For example:
  • Social Sciences: Studies on consumer behaviour, policy analysis for sustainable practices, or education initiatives that encourage responsible consumption can also be highly relevant.
  • Economics and Business: Research on circular economy models, sustainable business practices, or supply chain transparency directly aligns with RCP principles.
  • Medical Sciences: Research on sustainable medical waste management, biodegradable materials for medical devices, or preventive healthcare can support efficient resource use in health.
  • History: Studying past consumption patterns, industrialisation impacts, or historical environmental policies offers insights into sustainable practices and lessons for current RCP approaches.
  • Psychology: Exploring the psychological drivers of sustainable consumer behaviour or the effects of sustainability education can aid in fostering responsible consumption.
  • Law and Policy: Research on environmental regulations, sustainable trade laws, or production standards provides the legal framework that encourages responsible practices.
Your unique insights can make a valuable contribution to EURECA-PRO’s mission of promoting sustainability. So yes, you are welcome to apply for the EURECA-PRO Doctoral School.
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Yes, you can supplement the doctoral degree requirements or curriculum of your host institution with EURECA-PRO activities or courses without being a member of the EURECA-PRO Doctoral School. Doctoral students are welcome to participate in activities organized by the EURECA-PRO Doctoral School even if they are not members.

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  • Enhanced Credibility: The certificate demonstrates your commitment to sustainable practices and research, enhancing your professional credibility in academia and industry.
  • Interdisciplinary Skills: Participation in EURECA-PRO activities allows you to develop interdisciplinary skills and knowledge, making you more versatile and appealing to potential employers.
  • Networking Opportunities: The programme provides opportunities to connect with a diverse range of researchers, academics, and industry professionals, helping you to expand your professional network.
  • Access to Resources: EURECA-PRO provides access to a wealth of resources, including workshops, seminars, and training sessions that can further your personal and professional development.
  • Career Advancement: The skills and knowledge gained through the programme can improve your employability and may lead to career advancement opportunities in academia, research, and various industries focused on sustainability.

EURECA-PRO Doctoral School Coordinator


Julia Sishchuk

TU Bergakademie Freiberg


Thomas Antretter

Montanuniversität Leoben


Bożena Skolud

Silesian University of Technology


Emmanouil Varouchakis

Technical University of Crete


Roland Moraru

University of Petrosani


Stefanie Kerkhofs

Hasselt University


Géraldine Gadaut

Université de Lorraine


Beatriz Jimenez Parra

University of León


Jill Deschner Warner

Hochschule Mittweida

If you are interested in starting a PhD in a topic related to RCP

Explore the research profiles of our partner universities and apply for doctoral studies through the links below:

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