News and Activities
Interested in topics of climate change, sustainability, responsible consumption and production? Keep up to date with the EURECA-PRO Alliance

RE-EURECA-PRO mentioned as good practice in recent report by the European Union
RE-EURECA-PRO is mentioned as good practice in the category “Developing a Strategy for Citizen Engagement in RE-EURECA-PRO” in a recent report published by the European Union.

Job offer: HI-EURECA-PRO Research Assistant @ TUBAF
The project aims to investigate the potential of heritage-based innovation for sustainable development in communities, and to identify best practices for heritage-based innovations.

Job offer: EURECA-PRO Research Assistant @ TUBAF
Primary tasks involve collaboration in the work package “Education and Studies” of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg in the international consortium.

BHM Magazine has published a special EURECA-PRO issue
The EURECA-PRO special issue of BHM Berg- und Hüttenmännische Monatshefte is out now, featuring 6 contributions from our EURECA-PRO research community.

Climate? Take action! @ Hasselt University
The event served as a testament to the power of collaboration and dialogue in driving positive change for a more sustainable future.

Job offer: European Project Manager in Research, Innovation and Dialogue with Society
This position will work in close interaction with the work package leaders and operational task forces and offices in order to meet the alliance objectives.

Job offer: Project Manager in Education at Université de Lorraine
The position provides operational support to the mission managers of the Université de Lorraine on the training component to develop the alliance’s offer by prioritizing the theme of SDG12.

EURECA-PRO Kick-off event focused on sustainability
Central topics were digitalisation, the further development of study programmes as well as a better inclusion of students.

Delegation from Hasselt University visited Montanuniversität Leoben
The visit was a valuable opportunity to further strengthen the relationship between both universities and paved the way for the implementation of coming tasks.

MUL Student Represents EURECA-PRO @ the 1st Conference for Student Representatives
The event allowed student representatives from alliances to share their experiences, best practices and struggles through workshops and discussions to find solutions and defend students’ rights.

Job offer: Head of EURECA-PRO International Relations Office
Primary tasks involve close collaboration with the Université de Lorraine IRO, local coordinator, Montanuniversität Leoben coordinator, partner IRO representatives, and operational task forces in EURECA-PRO.

Platinum and Gold Education Leaders Awards 2023 go to TUC TIE Lab
The project presented by the Lab has as its starting point the aggravating footprint that the fashion industry leaves on the environment and the imperative need to convert it to good circular economy practices.

Proposals to improve brain circulation in EURECA-PRO
The loss of highly skilled people to another region, country or industry, where they can work in a better environment and/or earn more money.

Pupils’ University in the Park
On 17 June, 25 children went on a search for clues with Prof. Labudde and his team of digital forensic experts after “Hubert” the deer.

Graduation in four days – Project Week @ Hochschule Mittweida
The aim was to give 31 pupils from grades 9 to 11 (ages 15 to 17) an understanding of studying and life at a university.

EURECA-PRO launches a new Joint Master’s Degree in Responsible Consumption and Production
The Joint Master’s Programme is aimed at students with an interest in Sustainable Development Goal 12 (SDG12) and the management of responsible consumption and production.