International Relations Officers Staff Week
24 - 27 April, 2023
Université de Lorraine | Nancy, France
How to run an International Office with regards to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
The management of an International Relations Office (IRO) has shifted from a traditional combo cooperation/mobility to a much more complex systemic global environmental approach.
In order to fit with the UNESCO’s Sustainable Development Goals and Erasmus+ procedures, any international cooperation either in Education or Research has to be aligned with environmental, inclusive and digital issues. At the very same time, the world has changed facing a pandemic and its consequences and a geopolitical upheaval. How can IROfficers be facilitators to raise a SDG awareness through internationalization of the students and staff in Higher Education?
TARGET GROUP: Director and IRO staff from the partner universities | Coordinators are welcome
Through the event, we want to respond to the following questions:
- How to fit better with a more inclusive, greener and digital mobility?
- How do we answer to the SDGs?
- How IRO can help the actors of Higher Education in a more responsible production and consumption?