EURECA-PRO Research & Innovation

Explore EURECA-PRO's Research Initiatives on Responsible Consumption and Production

The European University on Responsible Consumption and Production aims to become the central European centre of excellence on responsible consumption and production, bringing together all European and global activities, be it in science, education, industry or society, as well as stakeholders in this field. For this reason, EURECA-PRO has defined an ambitious research agenda based on 5 strategic challenges forming its identity and signature. The expertise of the consortium covers the entire value chain and addresses the objectives of the European Green Deal and the Circular Economy.

Discover Key Aspects

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Strategic Challenges

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Research Inventory

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Third Mission

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Key Outcomes of Phase 1

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Research & Innovation Policy

Our Research & Innovation policy is driven by the vision of activating the Knowledge Square—a dynamic framework designed to foster a continuous cycle of learning, discovery, and collaboration. 

Through this approach, we aim to generate synergies that advance new knowledge in Responsible Consumption and Production (RCP) and shape the future of European higher education in this field.

The Knowledge Square is built on four key pillars:

  • Research – Advancing cutting-edge research to generate new knowledge and deepen our understanding of global RCP challenges.
  • Education – Providing students with the skills and expertise needed to tackle real-world RCP issues while fostering creativity and innovative thinking.
  • Innovation – Translating research into practical solutions by fostering partnerships between universities, socio-economic stakeholders, and policymakers across Europe.
  • Science with and for Society (SwafS) – Ensuring that research and innovation have a meaningful, positive impact on society

The interaction of these four pillars is essential for driving progress. While the research pillar fuels education and innovation, the innovation pillar enhances teaching and enriches ecosystems. To support this, EURECA-PRO focuses on five Strategic Challenges, fostering interdisciplinary academic communities (Flagships) to develop innovative research and training. 

EURECA-PRO Flagships

In European strategy, the term ‘Flagship’ refers to large-scale, long-term research initiatives that drive ambitious visions in key areas. Within EURECA-PRO, Flagships are multidisciplinary academic communities in education and research, bringing together multiple partners and, where relevant, external actors to explore one of the alliance’s five Strategic Challenges. Functioning as “laboratories without walls,” they generate knowledge, enrich training programmes, and lay the foundations for joint degrees. 

They also evolve by incorporating new expertise and fostering collaborations with socio-economic partners to support innovation, knowledge transfer, and societal engagement.

EURECA-PRO Flagships

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