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Women into STEM Past events
Women into STEM Colloquiums
The EURECA-PRO alliance is aware of the key importance of raising visibility of STEM knowledge areas, especially encouraging the interest of young girls for STEM.
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Poster TUC Past events
ONLINE Innovation & Entrepreneurship Training Course
The main purpose of the “Innovation and Entrepreneurship training course” is to nurture students and scientific staff in creative and innovative thinking
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EURECA-PRO Review Week in Leoben – 2021
After one year of EURECA-PRO, more than 70 participants from the 7 EURECA-PRO partner universities came together in Leoben for the first time during the ...
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Open Science Event
The event takes place at Hotel Asia Spa Leoben, it is free and open to the public! The event will be held in German and ...
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04 Twitter Post Conference EURECA-PRO Past events
EURECA-PRO Conference on Responsible Production and Consumption
A place to share their experience, scientific results and the most recent advances to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 12: Responsible Production and Consumption.
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The ecological footprint of an online class: first EURECA-PRO summer school kicked off at TU Bergakademie Freiberg
A total of 20 participants from Austria, Germany, Greece, Poland, Spain and Romania of all seven EURECA-PRO partner universities are dealing with these questions during ...
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01 POSTER LECTURE SERIES IV Square small web Past events
European Green Deal Cluster Event
On 6th and 7th July 2021, the European Commission and the European Research Executive Agency (REA) organized an online “European Green Deal Cluster Event”.
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Digital CirCOOL – The Aluminium Cycle
CirCOOL – the international summer school program aims to create awareness of the circularity of materials within the circular economy, which our society is based ...
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EURECA-PRO Summer School – Responsible consumption and production for digitised higher education
Students from all study cycles will assess the sustainability of different ways of behaving: studying online or in physical presence.
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Innovative solutions for current issues in society and industry in responsible consumption and production related to Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nation with special ...
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