D8.3 | “Pilot actions” for joint innovation structure utilization

Action Area 3: New Shared Potential
Deliverable 8.3 | WORK PACKAGE 8: Joint Innovation Structure Utilization Strategy

29 June 2024 | Technical University of Crete

Type: Summary

Professor Michail Zervakis, WP8 Leader, Rector, email: mzervakis@tuc.gr
Virginia Alizioti, M. Sc., Project Management, email: valizioti@tuc.gr
Professor Panayiotis Partsinevelos, WP8 Contributor, Member of the Board of TUC, email: ppartsinevelos@tuc.gr

For D8.3 “Pilot actions” for joint innovation structure utilization, two pilot actions were implemented with the aim of promoting innovative thinking and connecting entrepreneurship and academia. The main parameters considered were the involvement of education, economy and society while promoting concepts of sustainability.

The specific pilot actions were selected based on feasibility and effectiveness so that they can be implemented on a regular basis after the end of the project and promote the involvement of students, entrepreneurs and society.

Specifically: Within the time constraints of the project’s duration, the pilot actions that were tested were the Mentors’ contribution to the Technical University of Crete Project Week (11-12-13 October 2023, TUC’s premises), and the online Startup Coffee Event, organized by the Technical University of Crete (4 April 2024, 19.00 – 20.30 Athens time).

Contribution from the academic community and the entrepreneurial field and gender representation were achieved. Specifically: In TUC’s project week, 49% were female students and 51% were male students, in a university where the male students outnumber female students. In the online Startup Coffee event, two out of the three main speakers were female, representing the entrepreneurial and startup fields respectively.

Based on the discussions and brainstorming that took place in both events and according to the questionnaires’ conclusions, the main topics that were highlighted were ‘pitching’/presentation skills and the funding opportunities.

Both pilot actions were planned in a realistic manner to respond to time and energy constraints, to fit the needs of students, aspiring entrepreneurs and businesspeople for comprehensive and brief input and networking. The agendas of both events were designed to be utilized and adjusted easily by all partner universities to organize similar events quickly and effectively, even after the project’s completion. Moreover, the questionnaires included all main questions to evaluate all aspects of the events. Finally, the specific pilot actions were chosen and tested to function supplementary to each other in future activities: students, mentors and entrepreneurs may participate and contribute interchangeably via providing practical input and promoting innovative thinking in similar events.

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