Report extension 2 including (a) a mapping of the regional economic set-up in relation to SDG12 targets and an identification and description of the common ground of all alliance members regions and (b) a generic model mirroring the process developed for SDG12 as a supporting document (art/sci exhibition)

Action Area 1: New European Open Research Area
Deliverable 3.4 | WORK PACKAGE 3 – Interdisciplinary European Research Collaboration
30 June 2024 | Montanuniversität Leoben


The purpose of deliverable D3.4 is to map the regional economic set-ups of our partner universities in relation to SDG12 and to find out which targets match the regional contexts most often. The aim is to determine the common ground of all alliance members’ regions so that SDG12-related collaborations can be developed. This mapping will highlight existing and emerging opportunities for research engagements across the partner institutions and it will facilitate the planning and realisation of mobilities (for researchers, staff and students wishing to engage with SDG12-aware economic stakeholders in regional contexts). 

The deliverable contains information about the main economic activities in the identified regions (following the NUTS qualifications at EU level) and brings into focus the distribution of SDG12 target areas in the regions of the alliance. A case study on interdisciplinarity with a focus on SDG12 is also presented. This case study is an art/sci exhibition which was staged at the Montanuniversität Leoben (with input from all partner universities) from 24 May until 5 July 2024. 

As one of the main results of the work in WP3, it represents a model of cross-disciplinary collaboration on SDG12, demonstrating how the arts can be integrated into research-based projects and events in order to significantly broaden the possibilities of collaboration between experts from different disciplines.

Dr Karoline Gritzner, WP3 leader
We invite you to download the report:
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