Registration form 18th Freiberg Colloquium of Young Researchers:Responsible consumption and production in the use of the earth’s resource Oh no, you're a bit late. Registration for this event is now over. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Salutation: *Mr.Mrs.OtherFirst name: *Surname: *Email: *EmailConfirm EmailHome university: *Montanuniversität LeobenTechnische Universität Bergakademie FreibergUniversity of PetrosaniUniversity of LeónTechnical University of CreteSilesian University of TechnologyMittweida University of Applied SciencesHasselt UniversityUniversité de LorraineWhat study level do you belong to *Doctoral/PhDMasterOther (please specify):Other study level (please specify):Area of study and / or research *Please tell us if you are a member of the EURECA-PRO Doctoral Programme:I am a member of the EURECA-PRO Doctoral Programme already.Title of presentation *Upload Documents:Upload your CV (.pdf format, max. file size: 5 MB): * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Upload your motivation letter, that can be also designed creatively as a video, poster or whatever comes to your mind (Max. file size 30 MB; file types allowed: .jpg, .png, .pdf, .mp4, .mov): * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Upload the Extended abstract of your conference presentation topic (.docx format, max. file size: 5 MB): * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Data protectionI agree that my data may be collected, processed and used by EURECA-PRO alliance. The data collection and temporary storage is carried out for organizational reasons and serves the purpose of carrying out the 18th Freiberg Colloquium of Young Researchers event. Further information can be obtained from the EURECA-PRO team. The data will not be linked with other personal data and will not be passed on to third parties who are not connected with the event mentioned.Confirmation: *I have taken note of the data protection declaration.Submit