EURECA-PRO launches a new
Joint Master’s Degree in Responsible Consumption and Production

EURECA-PRO launches a new Joint Master’s Degree in Responsible Consumption and Production

Starting academic year 2023/2024

Montanuniversität Leoben, TU Bergakademie Freiberg and Universidad de León signed the agreement for the first international Joint Master’s Programme in Responsible Consumption and Production (RCP), launched by EURECA-PRO, starting next academic year 2023/2024.

The Joint Master’s Programme in Responsible Consumption and Production is aimed at students with an interest in Sustainable Development Goal 12 (SDG12) and the management of responsible consumption and production. During the four semesters of their studies, students will have the opportunity to benefit from a holistic and multidisciplinary approach and acquire technical skills with an environmental, social and managerial perspective.

The programme is taught entirely in English and provides students with the opportunity to understand and appreciate different attitudes and perspectives towards sustainability, responsibility in natural resource engineering and management, with a focus on reclamation and life cycle assessment. Students will begin their studies at the University of Leoben, continue at TU Bergakademie Freiberg and finalise the last module at Universidád de León. The last semester gives students time to focus on their master thesis which can be completed at any of the three partner universities.

Upon completion, graduates will be equipped to work in private or public institutions at national or international level and in a variety of sectors, including mining companies, mining and rehabilitation OEMs, geo-engineering companies, as well as commerce, industry and services.

Degree Awarded:
Master of Science (MSc)

Programme Duration:
4 semesters, 120 ECTS

Language of Instruction:

Starting Date:
Winter Term 2023/2024

Application Deadline:
05 September 2023

Discover more about our Joint Master’s Degree in Responsible Consumption and Production and how to apply:

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