STEM Innovation Contest 2022 - 2023

STEM Contest Final Phase will be in University of León, 4 – 7 th July.
Here are the finalist teams!
Applefreak (ULE), AppPopuli++ (SUT), AvGeeks (SUT), Environment Research Engineering (UP), MWC22 (HSMW), Safe Wheels (SUT), Sampling (ULE) and 3D Printing with Ceramics (SUT).
May the best win and good luck!
The challenge
To engage undergraduate and Master students, especially women, into the design of creative STEM (‘Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics’) projects.
To promote invention and problem-solving abilities through collaborative work with the support of multidisciplinary STEM researchers acting as mentors.
To address real-world innovative challenges provided by STEM-related companies from EURECA-PRO countries (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Poland, Romania and Spain) seeking for the best solution to an everyday life problem or a relevant current social need through PBL (‘Project Based Learning’) approaches.
Researchers can participate as mentors and PhD students as co-mentors.
National teams
First Round ‘Conceptual Project’
An innovative idea and the steps necessary for its implementation. English or local language presentation at each university.
Second Round ‘Project Implementation’
First round’ nominated teams, one from each university will receive financial support to execute their projects. English presentation in the final phase that will take place at one of the EURECA-PRO partner universities.
International teams
‘Project Implementation’
International teams will receive financial support to execute their projects, without going through a “First round conceptual project phase”. English presentation in the final phase that will take place at one of the EURECA-PRO partner universities.
International teams and one winner national team from each university will travel to the final in one of the EURECA-PRO partner universities in July.
One winner national team and one winner international team will be awarded with a trip and participation in the EURECA-PRO Conference 2023 which will take place in Chania (Crete, Greece) from the 26th to the 29th of September 2023 or one-month interrail tickets. They can select between these two prizes.Important dates
Register for the competition:
12th of December 2022 to23rd January 2023
Final of the local phase (for national teams):
April 2023International phase:
4th – 8th July 2023 @ UNIVERSITY OF LEÓNRegister for the competition:
Final of the local phase (for national teams):
International phase:
Chose your challenge

Healthy and sustainable societies
Transport systems
New technologies
Environmental protection